Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Instantaneous News

Blogging in general is a great communication tool. It lets you know what is going on in today’s Corporate Communication and Public Relations fields instantaneously. People can blog about whatever they are thinking or has happened within minutes of it occurring, which is important in this line of work.
After viewing many PR blog sites I realized how different each can be. I noticed that in order to attracted readers one has to be creative and in minimal amount of words catch the attention of the public, a skill that PR and Communication professionals must be experts at.
In the Bad Pitch blog , what caught my attention was the pictures (and humorous titles (Who Gives a Hit? PR's Credit Conundrum, The Goof of Christmas Present, Media Relations’ Everlasting Gobstopper…etc.) that each entry contained. The contributors, what they call the blog writers, really knew how to catch ones attention and talk about everyday occurrences. What I liked the most about the Marketing Monster blog site was that it gave advice on marketing techniques; even if you are an expert in your profession you do not always know everything.
In today’s continuously growing world of technology blogging is the greatest advancement of all and one that helps the fields of corporate communication and pubic relations penetrate into future.

1 comment:

S said...

Good suggestion with marketing monster. I went to look at it after I read your post and it was interesting to see what the marketing pros are talking about...